Tuesday 13 April 2010

Reasearch on simular products

Teen Vogue was launched in 2003, a version of vogue for the younger audience. Amy Astley runs this magazine, currently the beauty director of Vogue. The magazine is a version of vogue aimed towards the younger teenage audience.

The logo of the magazine has the same as Vogue’s, but has ‘teen’ in front of it. The logo is still stretched across the top of the page, but is pink and yellow and the logo is also smaller than the original version of the Vogue magazine. In my magazine one of my main colours featured will also be pink, so I like this idea. The teen font is also different to the vogue font, I think this is ineffective because it makes the logo look too mismatched and too confusing.

The layout of the text on the page is scattered and this is effective because it makes the page look more attractive to the young buyer. This kind of layout is what I am going to use for my magazine so looking at a similar layout has been very helpful towards me making ideas about my magazine. The coloured text next to each other matches and I want to put this into my magazine work as well as it looks very effective.

The text colour scheme is pink, yellow and white. This is effective because it makes the magazine have a summer type look and makes it look very girly and bright. The pink text mostly stands out on the page. Some of the text is placed diagonally and I am going to use this idea for my cover by mixing a use of straight text with diagonal text.

The image used is placed to the right hand side, with most the text around the left hand side. The picture is clever because the model is holding a dog making the magazine look more teenage than adult so again hitting the target audience prospective. The model is wearing black, and this goes well with the overall colour scheme off the magazine cover because it all matches in to create the summer look. The background of the image is also a baby blue colour, which sets all the summer colours off . I like the idea that all the colours are differently used to the original Vogue magazine because this cover sculpts to fit the needs to the teenage audience.

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