Monday 12 April 2010

Reasearch on simular products

Vogue magazine was launched in 1892, and became a weekly publication. Arthur Baldwin Turnure originally founded the magazine and he ran the magazine until he passed away in 1909. After Arthur Baldwin’s death, Conde Nast took over the magazine and made it global starting off in Britain then taking the magazine to France onwards. In 1988 Anna Wintour took over as editor and chief of the magazine and is till the current editor and chief of vogue today.
The background for this issue of vogue is black, this is quite different to the idea for my background of my magazine front cover image as I want to have an urban background.
The image is placed central on the magazine, and this is similar as I want my image central on my front cover as well. The models are wearing pale and darker colours which is unsimular to my magazine idea as my models will be wearing black but with a bright colour to sculpt towards the teenage audience.
The logo is white and bold, stretched across the page similar to ‘Elle’s’ logo. This is again unsimular to the ideas for my logo as I am going to do a boxed shaped logo.
The font colour scheme is red white and black and this looks towards a more mature audience as it looks quite stylish and old fashioned. The biggest writing is coloured red and I like this idea so i am going to contribute this towards my magazine having one colour the boldest on the front cover.

The text is mostly laid out on the sides of the magazine around the image but one piece of writing is placed at the bottom. The magazine again has similarities to ‘Elle’ magazine, and the text layout is very similar.

Overall I think this magazine cover is too mature for my target audience so a lot of ideas towards my cover will not be from this. A few things I like are the layout of the text, and how a colour scheme was used for the text. The things I don’t like about this cover are that it is quite plain and colourless even though it is aimed towards a higher age group than my chosen audience. The clothes for the images are also very plain and the image background appears to be plain.

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