Tuesday 4 May 2010


Media Evaluation – Print

For my media coursework I created a front cover, contents and double page spread for a magazine. My magazine is themed on fashion inspired by music, and my main inspiration for my images from my magazine was from The Saturdays the girl band.
For my media product I carried out a lot of research on similar magazines to help me with ideas. I looked at fashion magazines such as ‘Vogue’, ‘Elle’ and ‘Teen vogue’ most of them had similar traits, but the one that helped me the most was the ‘Teen Vogue’ magazine. This magazine has the same target audience that I was aiming for so it was perfect to look at and draw inspiration from. I looked at all the layouts, images and fonts used in all the magazines that I researched and analysed them in detail. I decided to go for a different style logo to the magazines I had seen to make it look more unique, I used www.flamingtext.com to create the text for my logo and I think this worked very effectively because it makes the logo look professional.

My magazine fits the social group of fashionable teenage girls. This is why I based my images on the theme of The Saturdays the girl band. I chose this band as they are very popular with my target audience and i made my models wear bright coloured tights for the photo shoot. I also used a graffiti inspired background to make my magazine more modern and urban to sculpt around the teenage audience. My research also made me aware that most of the teenage magazines had brighter colours on the front cover, so I decided to add pinks and purples to make my product very attractive and suited towards the audience needed.
I think that fashion magazine companies may distribute my product as it is a very attractive product and has similar traits to most the magazines I have researched. I used some ideas from the magazines that I had looked at as this was very important to make a successful project. I used a layout that looked very alike to the ‘Teen Vogue magazine’ I decided to place text mostly around the image so that it was not blocked out, and had one title highlighted and placed diagonally across the page to make it look effective and professional. I made my colours bright on most the pages as this benefited my teenage target audience, but this also still made my magazine look mature so that it could be marketed to a wider range of customers.

I attracted my audience with my magazine through my images mostly, as I made them modern and unique with the background choice that I used with them. I used appropriate language in my magazine to also fit around this, and used brighter colours and I decided to use brighter colours because if I decided to make the theme of the magazine black and white would make it aimed towards a more mature audience rather than a teenage audience.
In the process of this project, I have learnt many new skills in the technology side of media as I have used numerous programmes in making my magazines. I used Photoshop to edit my images, I used the magic wand tool to highlight areas and I changed the brightness and contrast of the skin on my models and also the clothing on my models. I used the magic wand tool so that I could use the hue and saturation tool on the backgrounds of my images so that I could make certain colours stand out more than others. On my front cover i also replaced the background with a sky image to make he image look for effective.

Since creating originally the preliminary task, when I had to create a student magazine layout I have learnt a lot about the process of making magazine products. The process has taught me about images in magazines and how they make magazines look effective, and also how layouts, colours and fonts make all the difference between audiences for magazines. The most useful thing that I have learnt from this process after making the preliminary task was the use of Photoshop as it makes a big difference in making all the images look more attractive.

Overall my whole project was successful, i have learned allot of new skills in the process of making my product and i have looked into media institutions that fit around my product.There is many changes that i would make to my magazine to improve it but overall it was successful.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Reasearch on simular products

Teen Vogue was launched in 2003, a version of vogue for the younger audience. Amy Astley runs this magazine, currently the beauty director of Vogue. The magazine is a version of vogue aimed towards the younger teenage audience.

The logo of the magazine has the same as Vogue’s, but has ‘teen’ in front of it. The logo is still stretched across the top of the page, but is pink and yellow and the logo is also smaller than the original version of the Vogue magazine. In my magazine one of my main colours featured will also be pink, so I like this idea. The teen font is also different to the vogue font, I think this is ineffective because it makes the logo look too mismatched and too confusing.

The layout of the text on the page is scattered and this is effective because it makes the page look more attractive to the young buyer. This kind of layout is what I am going to use for my magazine so looking at a similar layout has been very helpful towards me making ideas about my magazine. The coloured text next to each other matches and I want to put this into my magazine work as well as it looks very effective.

The text colour scheme is pink, yellow and white. This is effective because it makes the magazine have a summer type look and makes it look very girly and bright. The pink text mostly stands out on the page. Some of the text is placed diagonally and I am going to use this idea for my cover by mixing a use of straight text with diagonal text.

The image used is placed to the right hand side, with most the text around the left hand side. The picture is clever because the model is holding a dog making the magazine look more teenage than adult so again hitting the target audience prospective. The model is wearing black, and this goes well with the overall colour scheme off the magazine cover because it all matches in to create the summer look. The background of the image is also a baby blue colour, which sets all the summer colours off . I like the idea that all the colours are differently used to the original Vogue magazine because this cover sculpts to fit the needs to the teenage audience.

Monday 12 April 2010

Reasearch on simular products

Vogue magazine was launched in 1892, and became a weekly publication. Arthur Baldwin Turnure originally founded the magazine and he ran the magazine until he passed away in 1909. After Arthur Baldwin’s death, Conde Nast took over the magazine and made it global starting off in Britain then taking the magazine to France onwards. In 1988 Anna Wintour took over as editor and chief of the magazine and is till the current editor and chief of vogue today.
The background for this issue of vogue is black, this is quite different to the idea for my background of my magazine front cover image as I want to have an urban background.
The image is placed central on the magazine, and this is similar as I want my image central on my front cover as well. The models are wearing pale and darker colours which is unsimular to my magazine idea as my models will be wearing black but with a bright colour to sculpt towards the teenage audience.
The logo is white and bold, stretched across the page similar to ‘Elle’s’ logo. This is again unsimular to the ideas for my logo as I am going to do a boxed shaped logo.
The font colour scheme is red white and black and this looks towards a more mature audience as it looks quite stylish and old fashioned. The biggest writing is coloured red and I like this idea so i am going to contribute this towards my magazine having one colour the boldest on the front cover.

The text is mostly laid out on the sides of the magazine around the image but one piece of writing is placed at the bottom. The magazine again has similarities to ‘Elle’ magazine, and the text layout is very similar.

Overall I think this magazine cover is too mature for my target audience so a lot of ideas towards my cover will not be from this. A few things I like are the layout of the text, and how a colour scheme was used for the text. The things I don’t like about this cover are that it is quite plain and colourless even though it is aimed towards a higher age group than my chosen audience. The clothes for the images are also very plain and the image background appears to be plain.

Reasearch on simular products

Elle magazine was created in France in the 1940’s, it had been originally owned by Lagardere Group of France and is still owned by this company till this day present. Hachette Filipacchi Media also publishes the magazine. Elle magazine also has articles on beauty, health and entertainment alongside all the fashion articles.
In this magazine issue the image is placed in the centre of the front cover, with a white background. This is different to what my front cover image is going to be like , as I want an urban style background . The model is wearing a black dress with a pink and white styling to it, this is a similar colour scheme in which i am wanting my models to wear during the photo shoot of my images. This colour scheme is also attractive towards the target teenage audience as the dress consists with brighter colours to go with the black.

The logo is in a black bold font stretched across the top of the page, and it is placed behind the models head. This is different to the logo I am looking to create as mine is going to be a boxed shape logo and i will place it on either the top left hand corner of the page or the top right hand corner of the page. My logo will also have brighter colours than ‘Elle’s’ logo because it is aimed at a younger audience.
The colour scheme of the text is red and black, which has similarities to my ideas for my magazine as I am looking at creating a matching colour scheme for my front cover. This also has a difference that the colour scheme of black and red is for a more mature target audience than teenagers. The text is laid out on the sides of the image, and i think this is effective towards the picture because it makes it stand out more. I want to place most of the writing at the sides of my own magazine but also have some scattered across the page as well.

Some of the font is made bolder than others. Headings are made bold on the page and some of the titles for information are made bolder than others. I want to also do this effect on my layout, to make the more important information stand out. It makes the magazine very stylish, again contributing towards the teenage audience.

Outline of my idea

My Idea is to create a fashion inspired by music magazine. I want to aim my magazine at a mature teenage audience. For this I researched fashion magazines such as Elle and vogue to get a clear understanding of what type of images to use, font and colour scheme to use.

For my font, I want to have Lucida Handwriting font, Arial black font and Blackwell bold font. I am mostly going to use Arial black font and Blackwell bold font because it makes the text stand out. On my text i have decided on a colour scheme of pink and black and i have decided to do this because looking at similar products the brighter colours are used towards the target audience. I will also be using word art, using the same colour scheme but also adding purple and the same fonts. I will use word art mainly for the front cover as it has to be attractive and bold towards the reader, and i will also use it for titles on other pages.
For my images, I am going to create a look based on The Saturdays the girl band. I have researched a few images of the band and i realised that in most pictures the girls were wearing very bright clothing. Based on my images, I am going to make my models wear black dresses / t shirts with bright coloured tights basing it on The Saturdays look. I have also done research on background ideas, and I would like to have a more urban background to the pictures so I have decided to go for a location which i can show a graffiti based background in my images. This will be effective for my magazine because it will make the images unique to other fashion magazines, because my research showed that plain white backgrounds were used mostly for the images.

For the backgrounds on my contents page and double page spread, i am going to use purple and pink colours for my background and outline the pages with a black border. The reason why I chose to do this is because i want all the colours to match together to make the magazine look more eye grabbing.
For my front page logo, I am going to use a black filled square auto shape and place pink auto shape lines around it to make a border around the logo. For my writing on the logo I am going to use www.flamingtext.com and I will have the fonts called Tagstreme and Bungle City. I have decided to call the magazine ‘Music Fashionista’ as it is appealing to the teenage audience.

Monday 22 March 2010

Why graffiti?

I chose this picture because it represents urban fashion, which is something i wanted to implicate into the project. I want to have a graffiti background to make my magazine unique and have an innercity interpretation upon it. The graffiti idea is inspired by the genre music of rnb and hiphop . I have placed a moodboard down below to show pictures that have gave me inspiraton for the project.