Tuesday 4 May 2010


Media Evaluation – Print

For my media coursework I created a front cover, contents and double page spread for a magazine. My magazine is themed on fashion inspired by music, and my main inspiration for my images from my magazine was from The Saturdays the girl band.
For my media product I carried out a lot of research on similar magazines to help me with ideas. I looked at fashion magazines such as ‘Vogue’, ‘Elle’ and ‘Teen vogue’ most of them had similar traits, but the one that helped me the most was the ‘Teen Vogue’ magazine. This magazine has the same target audience that I was aiming for so it was perfect to look at and draw inspiration from. I looked at all the layouts, images and fonts used in all the magazines that I researched and analysed them in detail. I decided to go for a different style logo to the magazines I had seen to make it look more unique, I used www.flamingtext.com to create the text for my logo and I think this worked very effectively because it makes the logo look professional.

My magazine fits the social group of fashionable teenage girls. This is why I based my images on the theme of The Saturdays the girl band. I chose this band as they are very popular with my target audience and i made my models wear bright coloured tights for the photo shoot. I also used a graffiti inspired background to make my magazine more modern and urban to sculpt around the teenage audience. My research also made me aware that most of the teenage magazines had brighter colours on the front cover, so I decided to add pinks and purples to make my product very attractive and suited towards the audience needed.
I think that fashion magazine companies may distribute my product as it is a very attractive product and has similar traits to most the magazines I have researched. I used some ideas from the magazines that I had looked at as this was very important to make a successful project. I used a layout that looked very alike to the ‘Teen Vogue magazine’ I decided to place text mostly around the image so that it was not blocked out, and had one title highlighted and placed diagonally across the page to make it look effective and professional. I made my colours bright on most the pages as this benefited my teenage target audience, but this also still made my magazine look mature so that it could be marketed to a wider range of customers.

I attracted my audience with my magazine through my images mostly, as I made them modern and unique with the background choice that I used with them. I used appropriate language in my magazine to also fit around this, and used brighter colours and I decided to use brighter colours because if I decided to make the theme of the magazine black and white would make it aimed towards a more mature audience rather than a teenage audience.
In the process of this project, I have learnt many new skills in the technology side of media as I have used numerous programmes in making my magazines. I used Photoshop to edit my images, I used the magic wand tool to highlight areas and I changed the brightness and contrast of the skin on my models and also the clothing on my models. I used the magic wand tool so that I could use the hue and saturation tool on the backgrounds of my images so that I could make certain colours stand out more than others. On my front cover i also replaced the background with a sky image to make he image look for effective.

Since creating originally the preliminary task, when I had to create a student magazine layout I have learnt a lot about the process of making magazine products. The process has taught me about images in magazines and how they make magazines look effective, and also how layouts, colours and fonts make all the difference between audiences for magazines. The most useful thing that I have learnt from this process after making the preliminary task was the use of Photoshop as it makes a big difference in making all the images look more attractive.

Overall my whole project was successful, i have learned allot of new skills in the process of making my product and i have looked into media institutions that fit around my product.There is many changes that i would make to my magazine to improve it but overall it was successful.